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- #!/bin/bash
- # $Id: mkinfodir,v 1.1 2000/08/03 16:16:11 achim Exp $
- # Generate the top-level Info node, given a directory of Info files
- # and (optionally) a skeleton file. The output will be suitable for a
- # top-level dir file. The skeleton file contains info topic names in the
- # order they should appear in the output. There are three special
- # lines that alter the behavior: a line consisting of just "--" causes
- # the next line to be echoed verbatim to the output. A line
- # containing just "%%" causes all the remaining filenames (wildcards
- # allowed) in the rest of the file to be ignored. A line containing
- # just "!!" exits the script when reached (unless preceded by a line
- # containing just "--"). Once the script reaches the end of the
- # skeleton file, it goes through the remaining files in the directory
- # in order, putting their entries at the end. The script will use the
- # ENTRY information in each info file if it exists. Otherwise it will
- # make a minimal entry.
- # sent by Jeffrey Osier <jeffrey@cygnus.com>, who thinks it came from
- # zoo@winternet.com (david d `zoo' zuhn)
- # modified 7 April 1995 by Joe Harrington <jh@tecate.gsfc.nasa.gov> to
- # take special flags
- if [ $# = 2 ] ; then
- else
- SKELETON=/dev/null
- fi
- skip=
- if [ $# -gt 2 ] ; then
- echo usage: $0 info-directory [ skeleton-file ] 1>&2
- exit 1
- elif [ -z "${INFODIR}" ] ; then
- else
- true
- fi
- if [ ! -d ${INFODIR} ] ; then
- echo "$0: first argument must specify a directory"
- exit 1
- fi
- ### output the dir header
- echo "-*- Text -*-"
- echo "This file was generated automatically by $0."
- echo "This version was generated on `date`"
- echo "by `whoami`@`hostname` for `(cd ${INFODIR}; pwd)`"
- cat << moobler
- \$Id: mkinfodir,v 1.1 2000/08/03 16:16:11 achim Exp $
- This is the file .../info/dir, which contains the topmost node of the
- Info hierarchy. The first time you invoke Info you start off
- looking at that node, which is (dir)Top.
- File: dir Node: Top This is the top of the INFO tree
- This (the Directory node) gives a menu of major topics.
- Typing "q" exits, "?" lists all Info commands, "d" returns here,
- "h" gives a primer for first-timers,
- "mEmacs<Return>" visits the Emacs topic, etc.
- In Emacs, you can click mouse button 2 on a menu item or cross reference
- to select it.
- * Menu: The list of major topics begins on the next line.
- moobler
- ### go through the list of files in the skeleton. If an info file
- ### exists, grab the ENTRY information from it. If an entry exists
- ### use it, otherwise create a minimal dir entry.
- ###
- ### Then remove that file from the list of existing files. If any
- ### additional files remain (ones that don't have a skeleton entry),
- ### then generate entries for those in the same way, putting the info for
- ### those at the end....
- infofiles=`(cd ${INFODIR}; /bin/ls | grep -v '\-[0-9]*\.gz$' | grep -v '\-[0-9]*$' | egrep -v '^dir$|^dir\.info$|^dir\.orig$')`
- # echoing gets clobbered by backquotes; we do it the hard way...
- lines=`wc $SKELETON | awk '{print $1}'`
- line=1
- while [ $lines -ge $line ] ; do
- # Read one line from the file. This is so that we can echo lines with
- # whitespace and quoted characters in them.
- fileline=`awk NR==$line $SKELETON`
- # flag fancy features
- if [ ! -z "$echoline" ] ; then # echo line
- echo "$fileline"
- fileline=
- echoline=
- elif [ "${fileline}" = "--" ] ; then # should we echo the next line?
- echoline=1
- elif [ "${fileline}" = "%%" ] ; then # eliminate remaining files from dir?
- skip=1
- elif [ "${fileline}" = "!!" ] ; then # quit now
- exit 0
- fi
- # handle files if they exist
- for file in $fileline"" ; do # expand wildcards ("" handles blank lines)
- fname=
- if [ -z "$echoline" -a ! -z "$file" ] ; then
- # Find the file to operate upon. Check both possible names.
- infoname=`echo $file | sed 's/\.gz$//'`
- infoname=`echo $infoname | sed 's/\.info$//'`
- noext=
- ext=
- if [ -f ${INFODIR}/$infoname ] ; then
- noext=$infoname
- fi
- if [ -f ${INFODIR}/${infoname}.info ] ; then
- ext=${infoname}.info
- fi
- if [ -f ${INFODIR}/${infoname}.info.gz ] ; then
- ext=${infoname}.info.gz
- fi
- # If it exists with both names take what was said in the file.
- if [ ! -z "$ext" -a ! -z "$noext" ]; then
- fname=$file
- warn="### Warning: $ext and $noext both exist! Using ${file}. ###"
- elif [ ! \( -z "$ext" -a -z "$noext" \) ]; then
- # just take the name if it exists only once
- fname=${noext}${ext}
- fi
- # if we found something and aren't skipping, do the entry
- if [ ! -z "$fname" ] ; then
- if [ -z "$skip" ] ; then
- if [ ! -z "$warn" ] ; then # issue any warning
- echo $warn
- warn=
- fi
- if [ "${fname##*.}" = "gz" ] ; then
- entry=`zcat ${INFODIR}/${fname} | sed -e '1,/START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/d' \
- -e '/END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/,$d' `
- else
- entry=`sed -e '1,/START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/d' \
- -e '/END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/,$d' ${INFODIR}/$fname`
- fi
- if [ ! -z "${entry}" ] ; then
- echo "${entry}"
- else
- echo "* ${infoname}: (${infoname})."
- fi
- fi
- # remove the name from the directory listing
- infofiles=`echo "" ${infofiles} "" | sed -e "s/ ${fname} / /" -e "s/ / /g"`
- fi
- fi
- done
- line=`expr $line + 1`
- done
- if [ -z "${infofiles}" ] ; then
- exit 0
- elif [ $lines -gt 0 ]; then
- echo
- fi
- # Sort remaining files by INFO-DIR-SECTION.
- prevsect=
- filesectdata=`(cd ${INFODIR}; fgrep INFO-DIR-SECTION /dev/null ${infofiles} | \
- fgrep -v 'INFO-DIR-SECTION Miscellaneous' | \
- sort -t: -k2 -k1 | tr ' ' '_')`
- for sectdata in ${filesectdata}; do
- file=`echo ${sectdata} | cut -d: -f1`
- section=`sed -n -e 's/^INFO-DIR-SECTION //p' ${INFODIR}/${file}`
- infofiles=`echo "" ${infofiles} "" | sed -e "s/ ${file} / /" -e "s/ / /g"`
- if [ "${prevsect}" != "${section}" ] ; then
- if [ ! -z "${prevsect}" ] ; then
- echo ""
- fi
- echo "${section}"
- prevsect="${section}"
- fi
- infoname=`echo $file | sed 's/\.gz$//'`
- infoname=`echo $infoname | sed 's/\.info$//'`
- if [ "${file##*.}" = "gz" ] ; then
- entry=`zcat ${INFODIR}/$file | sed -e '1,/START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/d' \
- -e '/END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/,$d' `
- else
- entry=`sed -e '1,/START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/d' \
- -e '/END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/,$d' ${INFODIR}/$file`
- fi
- if [ ! -z "${entry}" ] ; then
- echo "${entry}"
- elif [ ! -d "${INFODIR}/${file}" ] ; then
- echo "* ${infoname}: (${infoname})."
- fi
- done
- # Process miscellaneous files.
- for file in ${infofiles}; do
- if [ ! -z "${prevsect}" ] ; then
- echo ""
- echo "Miscellaneous"
- prevsect=""
- fi
- infoname=`echo $file | sed 's/\.gz$//'`
- infoname=`echo $infoname | sed 's/\.info$//'`
- if [ "${file##*.}" = "gz" ] ; then
- entry=`zcat ${INFODIR}/${file} | sed -e '1,/START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/d' \
- -e '/END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/,$d'`
- else
- entry=`sed -e '1,/START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/d' \
- -e '/END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/,$d' ${INFODIR}/$file`
- fi
- if [ ! -z "${entry}" ] ; then
- echo "${entry}"
- elif [ ! -d "${INFODIR}/${file}" ] ; then
- echo "* ${infoname}: (${infoname})."
- fi
- done